Trisha Lawson

I'm four months into my breastfeeding journey, and I don't know when it will stop. But I do know, I'm not sure I would be here doing this if it weren't for Trisha. She was my go-to for every question and struggle that comes with breastfeeding, especially as a first timer. Having nursed her four kids and being a big fan of research, I completely trusted her advice. But more than that, while she is a HUGE advocate of breastfeeding, she always made sure I knew that mama's health is just as important, and if I didn't want to do it, I didn't have to. She empowered me to make decisions for myself and got us through the MANY hurdles my son and I encountered on our journey. I cannot recommend her enough! She is someone in your corner, cheering you on, with all the fact based knowledge to back it up!
Ashlie Molstad
#1 Beachbody Coach